After working all night at American Express, I picked my youngest son up from my parent's home in Burlington and drove back to downtown Greensboro for the rally. We arrived in a parking garage around 9:30 AM and begin walking down Elm Street to find out where the line began to go into the Rally Area. I had no idea what to expect. However, much to my surprise, at 9:30 AM, the line was already blocks and blocks down Elm Street. Andrew's eyes, like mine, were huge with shock and excitement.
We stood in line until 10:45 before the line began moving. People were friendly and excited about the rally. No one was disorderly. Vendors kept walking up and down the street attempting to sell their Obama Memorabilia. It worked. I bought 2 T-Shirts for the kids.. Obama Buttons and 2 bumper stickers !!!
We finally made it to the Metal Detectors and got inside the Rally area around 11:45 AM. It was just incredible the amount of people that were there for the event. It was quite exciting. Security was extremely tight. We heard on the radio that 6 square blocks had been blocked off. Snipers were on top of most of the buildings in view of the Depot. I had never seen a Secret Service officer before, except in a movie. OMG...just like the movies...dark suit and glasses !!
Finally, Obama and Biden arrived. Biden was excellent for the first time. He has not been my favorite choice for VP, but what the heck do I know !! However, he gave an excellent speech. The crowds went crazy !!! Obama was equally exhilerating. He attacked McCain with a vengeance !! And rightly so !!!
John McCain is just out of touch of the real people who pay taxes in this country! He is clueless of who makes up the middle class ! Additionally, being a Gay Citizen. I expect not to be a 2nd class citizen ! I expect to have the same rights as every other American. I pay taxes. I expect the same country to protect my rights as the country protects the rights of others.
I was exhausted after the rally, being I had been up all night at work. However, I have no regrets in going. I'm thrilled !!