Welcome 2009 !! What will you bring ? ! I pray for a year of health and prosperity. I pray for the health, wisdom and safety of our New President Elect, Barack Obama and his family. I pray for an Incredible Year of positive change in our economy and government !
I do know that 2009 will bring a High School Graduation in our family. Jessica graduates in early June !! She's grown up to be a beautiful, young lady. Not only beautiful on the outside, but on the inside. Also, College for her in the fall at UNC-Greensboro.
I am hoping for a family vacation in the summer of 2009, if my job holds out ( no layoff). Jessica and Andrew have never been to Washington, D.C. and really would like to go. So, I'm planning to take them to DC this summer for a few days, fly Elliot down to be with us, and then we will all drive up to NYC to stay with Elliot for a week. I hope it will be a wonderful vacation !!
I, also, hope to get much more of the house remodel, completed before Jessica's graduation. I imagine we will be doing a bit of entertaining around that time.
If you look back, I deemed 2007 as the "Year Of the Tear". Looking back over 2008...How do I wrap up the Year? Hmmm? It was a good year....but it was a Year of Goodbyes. During 2008, My Aunt Katy died, as well as other friends: Cliff Bailey, Barry Shoemaker, and Betty Crotts. Each one of these people were wonderful in their own way. It was not only a loss for me, but for many. Good people, they were !
In 2008, I discovered a wonderful church to be apart. College Park Baptist on Aycock Street in Greensboro. It's a progressive church in the sense that it accepts all people....whether gay or straight. It's just not an issue there !! In so many ways, it feels like I've come home....but it's been kind of hard getting to know people. I work such an odd schedule...so of course, it's difficult to hang out with anyone.
We elected a new President in 2008 !! BARACK OBAMA !! The Country seems to want change. I pray he can provide the change necessary to make us a great country again !
As of yet, there is no significant theme for 2008...nothing clear cut. However, it will be a year to be remembered.
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